How to make a map fileDownload and install Domination for PC/Mac from http://domination.sf.net, Start the SwingGUI, and go to the Map Editor Tab. You can open some other maps to get a idea of what things will look like when ur finished Here is a step by step guide:
When you have finished making your map and you are happy with it: If you have any problems or need advice email: yura@yura.net Manual way of editing the map filesTHE MAP FILE (board.map) This file is a text file and can be opened in kate/nedit/notepad for editing, inside the file you will find: ; comment <~~ comments can be added to the map and cards file by putting a semi-colon ";" at the beginning of the line test <~~ (deprecated) if it is here a borders test is run when the map is loaded, (version [files] Countries and continents can NOT have spaces in there name, if u want to have a space then put a "_" and it will be displayed as a space when you play the game. [borders]1 2 3 38 <~~ the first number is the number of the country (need to be in order here as well I think) and the other numbers that follow are what countries that country is adjacent too . . . THE CARDS FILE (risk.cards) [cards] (a cards file can have NO missions, then the mission option in the start of the game will be greyed out) ;destroy X occupy Y Z continents A B C X= the number of the player you have to destroy if "*" is used for a continent, that means any continent would be ok. [missions] THE PNG/JPG FILE (board_pic.jpg) This file is the image you actually see YOU MUST NOT HAVE ONE COUNTRY OVERLAPPING FROM ONE SIDE OF THE MAP TO THE OTHER! (this will make the country display wrongly on the card with that country on it) This image must display the CONTINENTS highlighted in deferent colours as this is the image you see in continents view, this is not a must have but is recommended. if there are lots of flat colours please use the PNG format to save the file, otherwise use JPG THE GIF FILE (board_map.gif) This is the file that the game uses to find out where each country is on the map. resolution has to be the same as the main image file YOU MUST NOT HAVE ONE COUNTRY OVERLAPPING FROM ONE SIDE OF THE MAP TO THE OTHER! (this will make the country display wrongly on the card with that country on it) each pixel has to have the value of one of the countries ( NO colour black (0,0,0) as there is no country "0" and no colours more then the number of countries you have in the .map file) If a colour has a rgb value of r=13 g=13 b=13 so the country would be 13 ALL the colours must be grey scale colours (the red green and blue components must be the same value) The file must be saved as a GRAY SCALE GIF FILE TESTING if you want to test out that you have not made any mistakes in the borders (one country linked to another but no link back) then put the word "test" in the beginning of the file before the "[files]" section, then when you load the map a test to make sure there are no one way borders is run, and if there are any errors found a box will pop up telling you what countries have a problem. Finally
When you have finished making your map and you are happy with it: If you have any problems or need advice email: yura@yura.net |
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